
Thursday, January 6, 2011

January REVEAL for My Creative Scrapbook!!

Just a quick note for those of you looking for the Bo Bunny Blog's the post right below this one and Yes! it is still going on ....just scroll down a wee bit and you'll find it :) ...I also wanted to take a second to thank all you beautiful ladies for the sweet and kind comments you posted, I read each and everyone and want to say your words mean a lot to me!

Now on to the MCS Reveal!! Yesterday I shared 2 layouts I had made with the January Album kit on the Bo Bunny Blog hop post.....but I waited until today to share the rest of the kit's with you all. I made the above layout with the January Limited Edition kit. This is such an amazing kit....the papers are just so pretty and the embellishments so unique and beautiful!! I just love the sweet vintage style tag sheet she included in this one....I'm just loving bird images lately for my l/o's so this was such a nice addition to the kit! Pam really outdid herself with putting this one together! (To see a full list of the products/manufacturers of the goodies in this kit just click on the picture of the kit when you are at the MCS website and you'll find a full list.....I know that some of you have asked me for the names of the products in my l/o''ll find it all at the MCS site :) The photo in the above l/o is one I took of my youngest daughter a couple of years back when we were up North at a was twilight and there was such a lovely glow in the sky. For this l/o I did a little machine stitching and handstitching (on the buttons) and to give the page a little 'weathered' look I drybrushed some white paint on it.......the circles are just the edges of my paint cap stamped onto the page. Here are some close-ups.....

I just love those Prima blooms and the creamy Pink Paislee 3D stickers in this kit! For my 2nd layout I went with the soft aqua tones in the kit. Again I did a little machine stitching and also used some of the packaging from the Prima blooms as a decorative element (the white lace transparency)....
I'm just a sucker for those creamy white little buttons she added to the kit.....I feel like they always add just the right finishing touch to a shabby-chic page! are some close-up shots...

For my 3rd layout with this kit I snagged some cute shots of my new baby niece Kiera off of my nephew's wife's Facebook....thanks Danielle! I just loved the creamy Prima vine flower that was in this kit and I liked how it looked against the pale pink paper!
Yep, that's a little acorn in her hand! how cute is that shot! I have to smile at how every little thing is an amazing wonder to a little one like that. Here is a close-up shot of the page....

I also made a 4th layout for this kit.....and still had loads of pretty papers and embellishments to play with (I'm going to have to revisit this kit for sure!)

I decided to do a little handstitching on this page rather than using my machine, I wanted the stitches to show up a little thicker. To make the pretty Battenburg lace heart embellisment (also in the kit) show up a little better against the light background I added a piece of pink cardstock behind it. Here are a couple of close-up detail shots of this page....

Another AMAZING kit I got to work with this month was the MCS Main kit.....this one was filled with the Beautiful Sweet Season Collection from Webster's Pages!! I just love how WP papers allow for some intricate detail cutting. There is a really cute paper with a dress form in this collection. Included in the kit there are some really sweet trims and tulle....I used these to dress up the dress-form on the page below.....
The photo is one of my nephew's oldest daughter Jade, she is so cute in her stylish little outfits!TIP: My friend Sandie shared this great tip last month at the MCS site and I gave it a can use your fancy edge punches on curvy edges.....just punch a straight line, cut the strip about a half centimeter below the punched edge, lightly moisten the strip and give it a little bit of an accordian fold, this will allow you to curve the paper around the edges as I did in the photo worked beautifully! ( I used the Martha Stewart Loopy punch for this one) Here are some close-up pic's.....

For my 2nd l/o in using this kit I used the Webster's die-cut paper and mixed it with some smokey grey cardstock. I did a little handstitching on the paper and some faux stitching with a white gel pen to make the edge design of the die-cut paper stand out more....

TUTORIAL: Sometimes Pam includes these cute stemmed blooms in the kits, this time she included these creamy roses. I decided I would make a floral vine using these blooms and I got my oldest daughter Chloe to take a video clip while I was making it so you all could see how easy it is to do. To watch the video tutorial just click on this link and you'll find my tutorial post ~~> Floral Vines. Here is aclose-up pic from this page....

And Finally a third layout I made using this kit....I went with the aqua colours and went with the 'sweet' theme of the collection. I'd been wanting to scrap this picture of Chloe baking cookies at my sisters house a few years back. I finally found the perfect collection to us for this page! ...

And here is a close-up detail shot of the above page (the red/pink bloom is in the kit but I extended the size of them with some cardstock using the Water Distress method that I shared in a tutorial on the right side of this blog.....
Want to see more inspiration? Check out the Design Team Gallery for this month and you can see all the pretty things the rest of the DT girls have put together! Thanks so much for stopping by again!
~Gabrielle xx


  1. Stunning layouts, as always Gabrielle. You have the most amazing talent of putting products together in the most sensational way - too gorgeous for words....Hugs x

  2. Gabrielle your work is amazing I just love the way you incorporate delicate with bold, I am a fan, most definatly, take care!!!

  3. wow,amazing work again!!!Delicate and stylish,i love it!!!
    Have a nice day!!

  4. Wow, those kits sure are full of gorgeousness. I love the sweetness of the main kit. It has so many delicate and delicious details, which you all used in a stunning way on your layouts. Webster's is definitely a brand that could be made for you:) Thanks for sharing the punching tip too. I haven't noticed Sandie's tip yet, but it looks just great.

    And gosh, that limited edition, it is soft, it is vintage, it is shabby chic and those flowers are as pretty as can be. And the pages you made with it...I can't say anything but WOW! I'm drooling over all your amazing pages once again. And, like always, I can't wait till you upload them to, so I can add them to my favs:) It's always nice to see so much pure inspiration in there.

  5. Absolutely stunning as usual Gabrielle. TFS your tip with the punches - it looks fantastic.

  6. As ever these are absolutely stunning. Each one is a work of art. I wish I had a fraction of your talent.

  7. wow this kid can rock it so incredibly beautiful with very wonderful details and techniques.
    it's always a pleasure to see you work again.

  8. Hi Gabrielle. OMG!I didn't visit you for so long time. You have so mahy gorgeous L/O here. Every page-it's love from your hart. And what a fun tutorial on flowers, have to try one day.
    I wish you and your family Happy New Year, and many more stunning projects.
    Hugs Nataliya

  9. Fabulous reveal (as always :). That "wonder" layout is just spectacular - wow. Beautiful vine tutorial too. Happy New Year and cheers to a scrappy 2011!

  10. Hello Gabrielle!

    I love all of your layouts! Simply Elegant is how I would describe them! Thank you for sharing your flower vine tutorial! It sure beats having to go to the store and buying ready made items...It's so much more fun to make on your own! Thanks again, and Happy New Year!


  11. OK!!!I love your scrap!!!! it's beautiffull, is femalle, is sweet and elegant....well I don't know how to say Ășnico y delicado, espectacular!!!

  12. I always look forward to the fifth of each month and your blog to see what gorgeous layouts you have come up with! I am in awe again of all your ideas!

  13. Your scissor work is amazing. The layouts are beautiful works of art.

  14. Gabi, I always look forward to this time of the month when it's reveal day at MCS. Love coming here and getting the skinny on how you did it .. so creative !

  15. My word you have left me stunned again!!! Yours layouts are all so adorable and just so much detail.

    I think the last time I did a layout was for Halloween.

    Must get some out this weekend and may have a go with the sewing machine but it won't look like these as my machine has a gremlin inside and goes soooooooo fast!!! lol

    Thank you for sharing Love Chanelle xxx

  16. Beautiful work this month Gabi, just adore all your pages!!

  17. Maravillosos, como siempre. De uno a otro trabajo alucino con tus increibles detalles que solo a una persona con tu arte se le ocurren. Felicidades.

  18. You have such an eye for color and balance! Your style is unsurpassed for beauty!

  19. I am always so happy when a new post of yours pops up on my Google Reader. I just love (and try to duplicate) your ideas. Thank you so much for sharing so unselfishly.

  20. Hello I have been trying to find a way to contact you in reguards to the kits that you work with and that is because I want to join but just dont know which kit would be the best to join because they are somewhat costley and I would love to have a good selection and not regret not getting signed up for a different kit. Sorry if this isn't the place to ask about kits but you have continued to show wonderful work with yours and I wish I just knew which kit to commit to I believe it's 3 to 6 months??? could you email me at because if you respond to this I know I'll never see it because I don't know how I even found this comment area LOL thanks if you can respond if not that's OK to Brenda

  21. First came to your blog, works great. I am delighted

  22. Is there anyway you can do a tutorial on the loop around the page punch. I'm sooo interested in that. You are soooo clever. I love your layouts they are gorgeous!! I really want to learn how to do that punch around the page thingy. That will add more use for those punches. Blessings, Susan

  23. thanks for sharing the tip on the lace edge tip. appreciated
