
Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Tour of My Scraproom!!

As promised, here is a little tour of my scraproom!  Each month Webster's Pages asks one of their design team girls to show a little glimps of their scrap space and about a month ago I volunteered for this one...GULP! That put the fire under me to get my room cleaned up a little better! So you'll see a post about my room over at the Websters Pages blog as well today.   My scraproom is pretty much like I've had it for years, but I did finally take out the old shelving that used to be on the right side of the room and put in an Ikea cubicle shelf system (there was also an old toy closet that I cleared out....the girls are getting a little old for some of the toys that were in there, I did however put some of their more classic toys in storage, it's hard to let go of those baby/toddler years). 
I think probably the most outstanding feature of my scraproom is the slatwall my dear husband installed for me a few years ago.  This has been a great organizational tool!  I can work on a layout and then at a glance pick out a few items that I feel will nicely compliment the layout I'm working on.  One thing for sure about me....I'm a messy scrapper, when I'm in the middle of making a layout the room can look like a bomb hit it.  BUT, I always clean up after each and every project.  I feel too overwhelmed to start a new project if my space is upside down, so once I'm done, everything goes back into it's place, ready for the next time.  Pictured below is my slat wall (My childens friends call it 'Your Mommy's Store'! lol!) 

Hmmm, I do use Ikea a lot for my scraproom...the little shelves here for my little jars of odds and ends blooms are from Ikea, as are the little glass jars. 
The desk and shelving is from Ikea as well.  I love flat drawers for storing scrap goods, I don't like my drawers deep because I feel like digging for stuff makes them all messy, I like to see at a glance the product I have available to me.  Here's a little peek in a couple of the drawers.... 
And here is another view of the cubicle shelving on the opposite side of the room.  The pink bins are awesome for storing the 'eyesore' type stuff (loose ribbon, fibre, lace etc).  I also store my albums (standing up) in the lowest shelves.  My albums get pretty thick and I like to store them standing up so that the weight doesn't crush the more 3D embellishments. 

Speaking of 3D of the most often asked questions I get is "What do you do with your 3D layouts?"  Well, as I said, some of them I do store in albums and binders....but I also keep some in those plastic Iris boxes made for 12x12 papers that you can get from Michaels.  These I take and rotate out to hang in the frames I have on my wall.  I'll change out the layouts every couple months or so.  Here are the ones up on my wall at the moment..... 
So all that leaves for me to answer is..."How do I store all the papers and embellishments I get for my design teams?"  Those I like to store in the clear plastic Iris containers (you can see some of these boxes beside my slat wall in the above photos)....I store my design team product by collection, so that when an assignment comes up, all I have to do is pull out the box that holds for example "Everyday Poetry" and I'll have all the papers and embellishments at my finger tips.

And before anyone comments on the red chair that really does not go at all with my's comfortable!! LOL!  Actually I had meant to make a cover for it that is more in keeping with the room but time got away from me....if anyone has any great suggestions on how to make a nice cover for the chair let me know!

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my scrap space and hope that it's helped spark some ideas for you! xx


  1. WOW It is just gorgeous........And yes that slatwall is amazing, what a great idea :)

  2. Love the room. I always love to see how other artist set up their studio. I am also a photographer and my room doubles as my office when I work from home as well as all my scrapbook materials so I am always looking for ways to make my pretty space cozier. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a blessed day.

  3. Love your space, I definitely have to way to many supplies.
    Hugz, Z

  4. FANTASTIC.... love love love everything! I like to clean up after every project too. My room is quite organized but I need to "beautify" it like yours!!!


  5. WOW!! I want to come and scrap there! lol Thanks for sharing your beautiful space. :)

  6. Your scraproom is absolutely gorgeus, Wwwooowww I love it!!!!!

  7. Your scrapbook room is AWESOME - especially that slat wall, WOW, what a great idea.

  8. Your room is so pretty, girly, and organized! I love it! I can never keep my room this clean...
    About the chair – so many possibilities!
    I think an off-white pleated skirt will look nice of it.
    Seat can be covered with the same fabric (staple gun and well-stretched fabric is the key)
    same for the back but bling it up like a dress form or something.
    Like those ART letters you did.
    BTW, you inspired me to do something similar for my baby’s room.
    I have been watching your work for several years I am a huge fan.

  9. OMG Gabrielle your room is amazing and looks such a happy place to craft!!! Love all your storage ideas and I can remeber seeing the slat wall a long time ago but boy how organise and so perfect just wish I had a room like this or just the goodies would do!! lol

    Love Chanelle xxx

  10. Wow....You really have a fabulous space. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hvor ser det dejligt ud, jeg elsker de lyse pastelfarver som er gennemgående i dit rum (bare det var mit) knus morkaren.

  12. Wow Gabi I love your room it is so serene! I love the slatwall your right it is so hard to find things or keep track when they are in bins like mine. I think it might be worth a trip to Ikea for some storage although I went to Home Deopt and bought a closet organizer in white for paper storage and stuff but it appears that I am somewhat of a paper junkie. I also love how you displayed your work so pretty. Now I feel compelled to get of my butt and organize! Thanks for the inspiration.

  13. Oh you are funny Girl (about your Chair), but that first thing pop to my eyes. After all your room is stunning. I like the color on the Wall and your beautiful Bird Cage. and i like the idea about your L/O on the wall, really gorgeous. You have here beautiful room of Heaven.
    Hugs Nataliya

  14. Love your space, very well organised
    Have a lovely day! :)

  15. Such a gorgeous room Gabi and I love that slat organised!! Love your art work on the wall too, it looks beautiful.

  16. I really loved getting a peek in the room where magic happens:) You should teach organizing classes: your room is so much more organized than my cupboard with scrapsupplies! lol!

  17. Hi Gabi, I just love your studio!! The colors are just beautiful, and the wall unit your hubby built is just perfect, easy access!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! Hugs, Karen

  18. Oi Gabrielle!!!

    Cada vez mais lhe admiro muito!!! Vejo quanto Deus lhes deu um dom maravilhosos de uma excelente scrapper super organizada. Parabéns pelo belíssimo scraproom.

    Beijos e tenha dias, semanas, meses e anos abençoados.

  19. I don't think I would ever leave this room! lol Looks like paradise to me as my things are stored in the basement and I have to bring what I want to use upstairs to craft at the dining room table. Not any extra space for me in my home (unless my son moves out - lol! I tease him about that!) Thanks for sharing!

  20. What a great space and some excellent storage ideas. I'm about to embark on renovations which includes a scrap room :O so I'm looking for lots of ideas on how to make the most of my space. I like the white furniture theme in your room which is the look I'm going for. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Are you kidding me?!?! This is drool-worthy!!!!

  22. So beautiful and organized. I just want to say that I love your scrap pages. They are all gorgeous!

  23. Oh my ... What a great place to work.
    And woow do you have lots of beautiful stuff to work with :)
    What a great place to create your amazing pages!
    Thanks for showing.
    Hugs Dorthe

  24. Wau - love that room. And the wall is really a good idea!

  25. That was a marvelous tour! Thanks!
    I love the bird cage on top of the shelving :-)

  26. Oooh Gabi your room is just as pretty as your layouts! so perfectly YOU! he he got those IKEA cubicles too, but my corner is anything but like your orderly and lovely space. It's bombsite all the time ;)) Thanks for the peek! xoxo

  27. Gorgeous organised room and so pretty love the slat wall it looks like a shop, loveing all those fabulous embellies. Love your framed layouts too, they are great.

  28. Your room's so beautiful, it reflects your work and so tidy. It must be great to have such a nice space to work in.

  29. I have many of the same storage items that you have, but, somehow it just doesn't look as pretty and organized as yours!!! I'm heading to my scrap room to clean right now!

  30. Hi Gabrielle,

    I´ve just found your blog and I´m enchanted with your work! Congrats, everything is so beautiful, loved all!

  31. Love that you shared your room with us, Gabi! I need to have wood floors in mine as I am always dropping something on the carpet that is regretful! Have a blessed week!

  32. Wow Gabi!!!! Fantastic room with lots of goodies. Would love to have a room like this. Just a dream.LOL!!!

  33. me ha gustado mucho ver tu scraproom, tiene unos adornos muy bonitos y tus LO en la pared quedan preciosos, un abrazo.

  34. what a great room! Lots of great organizing ideas....thank you for sharing.

  35. Your room is gorgeous!! Love your organization and your peg board is wonderful!! I love to see where scrappers create!!

  36. So, that is where the magic happens with all your lovely creations. What a great space!

  37. rachel from FranceJune 17, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    whaou!!!! it's wonderful!!!

  38. wow gorgeous craft room!!! do you want a room mate?!!!! lol!

  39. I like the idea of the slat wall for embellishments. I use the expedit from Ikea and the shallow drawer chest as well. I have a question for you - what do you keep in the cube box (black caboodle) sitting on top of the plastic storage next to your slat wall. I have the same box, because I just thought it was so cute - and I'm not sure what the best use for it is LOL.

  40. You have a fabul;opus like your scrapbook style.

  41. You are so inspiring, thank you! I am covering some chairs in my craft room with clip covers and the back of the chair will have pockets to hold my most used handy tools, rulers, several pens, markers, adhesives etc. I can picture a beautiful chabby-chic/vintage material in your room too. Your site is my favorite place to be with my morning coffee. Have a great day.

  42. WOW !!
    I'm very new to scrapbooking and I came across your site and I thought your site and the work you do is AMAZING but OMG your room is unbelievable !! You truly are the most inspiring and amazing scrapbooking person I have come across online.
    Thank you for sharing your ideas and work - it is truly inspiring and wonderful.
    I hope oneday to be as good as you are :)
    You make the world seem a better place from the work that you do by bringing happiness to those who see your wonderful creations:)
    Thank you !
