
Monday, July 16, 2012

Dusty Attic ATC ~ And Reminder of the Live Chat with me Tonight!

Just a quick little post today!  Last month I began doing the ATC (Artist Trading Card) challenges at Dusty Attic.  Last month the subject was 'Flight' (birdies, nests, butterflies etc).  This month it is a color challenge "Anything in the Pink to Red Spectrum".  Since I've been doing ATC's with single word inspiration on them, this month I did the word 'Love' since I associate that with this color grouping :)   I used one of the Mini Dress Form Chippies and the smallest of the Baroque Corners.  Below you can see pic's of the chip's I used.... 

Once I've made up 12 of the ATC's I'm going to mount them in one of the cute ATC holders that Dusty Attic makes and I'll have a nice art piece for my scraproom.  If you want to play along and give these ATC's a try be sure to post your ATC in the Dusty Attic Gallery with this information...
To enter the Monthly ATC Challenge all you need to do is include some Dusty Attic Chipboard {the new mini's are perfect for this} on your ATC and upload it to the Gallery before Midnight the 30th of July (Australian Perth Time)
Make sure you include July_2012_ATC written like this in the Tags with the underscore between each word or “July 2012 ATC”in inverted comma’s when you upload to the gallery to be in the running for a Dusty Attic prize pack of Dusty Mini's.  You can find more information on the July ATC Challenge HERE
Before I close I just want to remind anyone who wants to join in a LIVE CHAT with me at Swirlydoo's, that we are going live in about an hour ( 7:00 PM EST July 16th ) ...So if you've got questions for me or just want to shoot the breeze, come along and join us! 


  1. What a gogeous ATC! I'm planning on being at the chat--see you there!

  2. Woohoo! Happy you're joining us Patty! xx

  3. Such a lovely ATC!!! The colors and texture are great!

  4. So beautiful! Where I could I go to order dress form and swirls chip board like yours?

  5. Sorry I JUST missed the love chat by a few minutes :(

  6. Gorgeous ATC! I really enjoyed the live chat! Now I am off to look for the pics of your scraproom!

  7. Amazing ATC, Gabi!! Thanks so much for the live chat last night. It was great getting to know you better. ~ Blessings

  8. Sorry I couldn't be there.....would love to chat with you someday! Thank you for the sweet comment on my page over at InspireMe hugs Amy :)

  9. Awwww, shucks, I didn't see this, I would have loved to been there for the chat with you!!!
