
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Welcome to Swirlydoos' July Kit Reveal Blog Hop Block Party!!

If you came here from Angelica's blog, then you are on the right track. If not, go back to Swirlydoos' blog and start from there. We have some amazing projects for you to see!!

So I was asked to be the Guest Designer this month over at Swirlydoo's and I have to say I was just so thrilled and happy to say YES!! Krissy Mossbarger (Owner of Swirlydoo's) is a dear old friend of mine from my early days at We were together in a COF (Circle of Friends) group with a bunch of really wonderful and talented girls. We shared our projects, challenged each other and shared our daily lives, supporting each other along the way. Krissy had asked me when she started up Swirlydoo's to be on her design team but unfortunately I was on another kit club team at the time so I couldn't join up with her. So when I was recently asked to do a guest spot for Swirlydoo's I was so happy to finally give her a great big YES! I love Krissy's taste in product and I have to say it was such a pleasure working with the July kit!! The papers are GORGEOUS! The embellishments, so beautiful! And I love this month's Technique kit!! It's got this wonderful air dry clay in it! I used it in the above layout, I just rolled out a few strands of the clay and winded it together, then added some 'bark' patterns with the tip of a knife, I gave the white clay a light sweep with some watered down brown acrylic paint. Here is a close-up...
There are some beautiful Dusty Attic Fountains in this kit as well, they are just a perfect match for the lovely patterned papers in the kit!  Here I just gave the chippie a light coat of white paint, rubbed a little of the brown chalk ink (also in the kit) on it and added some dots of Perfect Pearls in Silver.
Above is another layout I made with this gorgeous kit!  Krissy has a knack of putting together papers from different collections and having them work beautifully with each other!  I've been working on a series of l/o's I'm making for my nephew and his new wife, this is a second one I've made with one of their engagement photos.  I love the cute Prima fountain in the kit with the little birdies, I just draped some green tinted clay hanging from the fountain to give a mossy effect.  I also used the clay to make the 3 little eggs in the Dusty Attic Nest I added to the page, I just left them white and added some light blue paint and added a few dots with a brown pen.  Here are some close-up pic's of the page... 
I made a third layout using the kit goodies and again I used the clay to add to the embellishments...
I made the heart embellishments as well as the lily flowers from the air dry clay.  I posted a little step by step on how I made the heart embellishments over at Swirlydoo's can find it HERE
When I saw the cute package of tassels in the kit, I new I had to do this zipper idea I saw on a tag on Pinterest (but for the life of me I can't find it on my pin boards again to link you....when I find it I'll link it up :)  ...I used a 25 cent zipper I had in my stash to make this one, but I did make another page where I literally cut out the zipper from an old pair of jeans lol! (this will be pubbed in an upcoming issue of Scrap365) 
......and I have just one more little project to share with you that I made from this lovely kit!...
I couldn't resist making this little jewellery box for one of my daughters using the papers and the clay in this months kits.  I bought the box from our local Dollar store and covered the top with the quilted design I used on the hearts.  The bloom was simply made with some pink tinted clay, I just ruffled the edges a bit and used an embossing tool to put some light lines in the petals.  Here is a close-up of the bloom... 

So now that you've seen my projects with this beautiful kit, be sure to hop along and see the work of the other talented ladies on this team, you will NOT be disappointed!  Here are some of the deet's if you'd like to have the chance to win some goodies along the way....

You have until midnight, eastern time, on Monday, July 9th to complete the hop. Winners will be announced on the Swirlydoos Blog on July 10th. In order to qualify to win here is what you need to do:
1: Visit all of the blogs and leave a comment on each. This way we know you were there. Become a follower if you're not already. Take your time. There are REALLY beautiful things to see along the way.
2: Before you leave each blog, look for the “special” words and write it down.
Once you have visited all the blogs and collected all the special words, they will create a QUESTION.
3: Finally, go back to the Swirlydoos blog and leave a comment letting us know how much fun you had, tell us the QUESTION that was created with all of the special words you collected, and THEN ANSWER it!! Can't wait to hear from you.

My special word is : SEE
The party continues over at Lisa Valentine's blog ( Have fun!
Here is the order and blog addresses.
Swirlydoos CLICK HERE
Rae Moses - CLICK HERE
Paulien - CLICK HERE
Angelica - CLICK HERE
Lindy's Stamp Gang - CLICK HERE
Petaloo - CLICK HERE
Tiffany - CLICK HERE
Larissa - CLICK HERE
Back to Swirlydoos!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, now I'm off to hop with the rest of you to see what the girls have created! Have fun!! xx


  1. Oh Gabi!! First of all, thank you so very much for GD for us this month. Secondly, your work is breathtaking. I love what you did with the clay and that little box is STUNNING!!! You are such a sweetheart! Thanks so much and your work is just oozing beauty.

  2. Beautiful layouts and I love that flower!!!♥

  3. thanks for sharing your work.

  4. Speechless! is always the way you leave me! Love the clay work, fabulous. I have been an admirer of your work for quite sometime now. Love all the little details in your work, beautiful!
    Hugz, Z

  5. wow whats not to like, all is amazingingly beautiful. Love the look of this kit. The little box is precious. BFN

  6. Boy sure have outdone yourself this month girl! You always do beautiful work but this month you are shining extra bright! Love ALL the clay work! Great job girl! :D

  7. Stunning!!! Every single page is stunning!! Love how you added the zipper!!

  8. Как всегда, я в восторге!

  9. I can hardly wait to play with the clay.

  10. Speechless!! I can't wait to see your tutorial to make these heart!!

  11. you have been one of my favorite artists for a long. your aork always inspires

  12. Stunning, Love how you made your trees, very talented... all of your work is so breathtaking it leaves you speechless Loving it....

  13. Oh My, Gabrielle! Your projects are all just breathtaking! Love what you did with the clay! The little jewelry box is just fabulous!

  14. uhmmmmmmmm....... BREATH TAKING!!!!
    First of all... I'm so thrilled that you finally were guest designing for Swirlydoos. I really love your work so much and your projects turned out A M A Z I N G!!

  15. Gabi, you always amaze me! Every time I think "she can't top this" and then you do! Beautiful!

  16. Just beautiful. You did a great job working this kit and add ons.

  17. Gorgeous. Your clay creations are STUNNING.

  18. well wowser...every layout I looked at amazed me more and more..and then the jewelry box..just absolutely stunning how you created those flowers!! beautiful work as always and thank you for inspiring!!

  19. Your work is so lovely! These are such stunning projects. Bevery

  20. You really worked some magic with this kit - your clay work is truly amazing!

  21. Gabi, I have been a fan of yours forever. Your work and artistry are the best in this industry! Plus you generously share everything you do! Thank you!

  22. Hi Gabi,
    I love how your layouts are always so detailed and of course stunning! Great job with this kit. Makes me want to order it! TFS!

  23. I check your blog daily for new posts as I just get so inspired by your creativity. My fave layout of those posted today is definitely "Bug Hunter". I just love that zipper feature and can see it on a future layout of mine. What you do with clay is awesome!!

  24. lovely as always. what a great kit

  25. Wow, Gabi, your work is amazing as ever! Love all the layouts. Can't wait to see your new clay tutorials! Thank you so much for sharing your work and tuts!

  26. Iam so glad you were chosen as a guest designer! These are so pretty, I could just weep. I love how you used the clay, such unique ideas!

  27. I am in awe, again, at your creativity! You really are an inspiration to me & I thank you, Bonnie :-)

  28. Gorgeous projects! I love what you've done with the clay - WOW. The zipper and tassel combo are amazing.

  29. "Bug hunter' layout with zipper accent is a definite fave! I love your clay work.

  30. WOW! Love what you did with the kit. Your clay projects are wonderful ... I can't wait to learn how to make the hearts. They are beautiful.

  31. Oh my god! That tree is SO gorgeous! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!!

  32. What stunning projects!! Your work with the air dry clay is simply amazing. I'm going to have to take a peek at your tutorial and try some of these!! Thanks for sharing with us!! ~ Blessings

  33. Gorgeous projects. I love what you did!

  34. Oh my, you once again blew me away with your breathtaking creations! You did such wonderful work with this kit. This mix of papers and embellishments has got your name written all over it:) And the flowers that you made look almost real - I'm amazed!

  35. Wowzer! You have been busy. Your projects are stunning as always, especially loving all of the embellies x

  36. Oh my gosh! Is there anything you can't do? I find myself repeating the same comments everytime I visit here--fabulous, love everything! But I literally gasped when I saw the box!! So exquisite! To die for!

  37. OMG Gabi, what you have done with that air dry clay is gorgeous, the tree trunk and the gorgeous flower on the jewelery box - you always amaze me with your talent!

  38. Amazing projects! I am so taken with your clay skills! It's been so fun to see you working with the Swirlydoos kit this month!

  39. I Love and admire all your work.

  40. Every page is stunning! I admire all of your work!!!

  41. Stunning, simply stunning. Love every single thing about all of them.

  42. Wow... Amazing projects and detailed work with the clay! You left me speechless

  43. Stunning! Love what you did with the clay. Would love a tutorial on both the tree branches and that fabulous flower!

  44. These all amazing projects. You did such a beautiful job working with the clay. Those quilted hearts are stunning!

  45. You always amaze me with your work!


  46. Fabulous work as always, Gabi .. love what you've done with the clay! I must give that a try! Thanks for the inspo!

  47. I really enjoyed your blog! I love the zipper and so far You are the only one to use the tassel. You are also very creative with the clay.

  48. Wow... Your work is fabulous. Such a wonderful eye for details.

  49. You are always so creative and so talented!! Beautiful work!

  50. Oh wow, beautiful of course! Love the jewelry box!

  51. WOW!! This is just amazing! I love those branches on the first lay-out just as I love everything else! What an amazing details!! I became a follower of this blog.

  52. Oh my i cant get enough of all this stunning work ! great details....

  53. All I can say is.........ARE YOU KIDDDDDDING ME???? What you did with the clay is JUST UNBELIEVEABLE!!! WOW!!

  54. You are Stunning Gabielle love what you did with the clay it's just wonderful WOW hugs Amy :)

  55. WOW!!! Your clay items are freaking AMAZING!!!! You are awesome!!!

  56. I am loving all the clay embellishments ... and that zipper, very cool! A women after my own heart!

  57. This layout is amazing, so much to look at, you can go back again and again. That little box is lovely!

  58. First, i must say all the layouts are beautiful, but, the 3rd one is my absolute favorite. The details are stunning (I'll be copying all of them, lol). I'm am so subscribing to your blog, lol.

  59. Well, I'm already your fan ! I loved the wrinkeld edges and the zipper !!!

  60. Stunning. Your work is so beautiful. I am impress at how creative you are. Those hearts and the little box you did is great. Thanks for sharing.

  61. OMG! I am always just stunned by the beautiful layouts that you create....truly amazing. Just too much to gush over!

  62. Your projects are just amazing - thank you so much!

  63. Gabi, it is so wonderful to have you GT with us!! All your projects are true masterpeices!!

  64. Gorgeous, I like the ides with the tree. and so many details more have caught my eye

  65. Gabi! How lovely to see you work with the Swirlydoos kit. The heart idea is so pretty and pretty simple (the perfect combination in my eyes). I enjoy your love for details - will study them and try to use some in my layouts.

  66. Gorgeous!! Love the details and especially the zipper!

  67. Sheer creative genius! Such lovely eye candy! Please keep on designing such breathtaking work.

  68. Hello from a raining Norway!
    wow!!!!!!!! what else can I say - I am speakless
    hugs janniche

  69. There is nothing that I saw that I didn't completely love. I just LOVE everything that you've created. I've been inspired big time.

  70. Again, Amazing work! I love what you did with the clay! TFS!!

  71. Beautiful is an understatement! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous creations!

  72. Wow, this is many beautiful elements to look at :)
    ! Love the colours and pps

    Hugs carla

  73. ooohhh i like the way you did to your vine.... pictures and LO matched too perfectly

  74. Well Hello Gabi, I have followed you for about a year now, I absoulutly love your work. I have used your tutorials to make some beautiful goodies. I am using the butterflies you sent me about 8 months ago, thank you for that that!! I truly hope someday I will be the scrapper that you inspire me to be. Your work is undescribibly awesome! Love the little hearts and flowers you made for your page. That's my next attempt. Thanks for sharing your amazing work with all of us.

  75. Omg Gabi, I'm actually speechless!! I don't even know what to say and I want to write so much. I'm just in awe of what you can do and of your talent!! the embellies you made with the clay. the branches with the flowers and leaves, the hearts, the lilies, its just so extraordinary that I'm still stunned!! You are so talented. I love what you did with the zipper and those ripped up papers in the middle. Finally that jewelery box is stunning. I'm still babling because I want to write more but I don't really want to mention every single piece of the layouts because after all you know what you made!! lol WOW

  76. Your LO are Beautiful and I LOVE your Blog. Amazing Inspiration. Thank You

  77. OMG!I love how you work with clay! The zipper in LO is amazing!

  78. THat tree with the roses on it is beautiful!!! I love your flower on that box too! And the LO, I'm just in awe! Beautiful work!

  79. Wow! You have done stunning things with the clay! Lovely and amazing! Beautiful pages.

  80. What else is left to say that has not been said already???!!! Your work is amazing and creative beyond words!

  81. OMG these are all awesome I just can't decide which one I like best as they are all so perfect and so inspirational! I can see that you have enjoyed playing with this kit especially the clay your talent has just shone through! Thanks for sharing Love Chanelle xxx

  82. Me again Gabby Just on the blog hop and wanted to tell you the DT are amazing and such wonderful creations! I went on to see your tutorial for the hearts but couldn't find it will have another go when I've finished the hop! Love Chanelle xxx

  83. OMG...Gabrielle !!! Your projects are, love ,love what you did with the clay for your vines and your flowers ...OMG!!! that kit is amazing...gosh I LOVE everything!!!

  84. Such beautiful projects with perfect attention to detail. So rich, airy and fluid. Love them all!

  85. Gabrielle!!! I LOVE all you do...It's fantastic the way you create! Thank you so much to share these wonderful things with us!
    Hera Sugitani

  86. Those clay pieces are simply amazing! I love all your work!

  87. Just WOW! Your layouts are amazing! I love the paper effect, I have no idea how, and I love the zipper!

  88. I'm blown away by your work. I could go on and on with superfluous adjectives. Suffice it to say, AMAZING!!!!!

  89. Gabi ... your creativity simply amazes me! That zipper on your page and all those lacey details ... WOW! STUNNING!

  90. I am so in awe of your work. I love all of the layering and your work with the clay is incredible. I can only imagine how long it would take to complete one of these projects myself.

  91. All I can say is WOW!!! Never mind how much I love the little zipper on your page, the way you added the torn printed paper pieces is crazy awesome!

  92. Wow, officially blown away with the branches, leaves and flowers!!! Such an inspiration.

  93. WOW! WOW! WOW! Your work is amazing!

  94. Totally died and went to heaven and back again, only to pass out before getting recussitated *phew* Am sooo green with envy at your stellar talent Gabi, there is none your equal in the industry doing what you do! Looking and looking and looking at all this gorgeousness!! it's almost too much beauty to take in at once. Just look at the clay work, ingenous!! BRAVO, BRAVO my amazing friend!! xoxo
