
Thursday, November 22, 2012

What is Your Favourite Winter Comfort Drink?

I think it's a fun thing to scrap about favourite things!  Kris Sylvester, our super sweet design team coordinator at Bo Bunny made a comment that really resonated with me, she said that 'she would have loved to have something like this about her parents when they were her age'.  That got me thinking about how cool it would be to have a scrapbook from my grandparents showing the trendy things they liked when they were growing up.  Scrapping doesn't always have to be about a photo of a person, it can be about something that you just really enjoy! 
For me the 'go to' winter comfort drink is the Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate from Starbucks.....only thing is that it can add up price-wise especially when you have the kiddies along and they want the same thing too!   Then last winter I stumbled on a Pinterest post that explained what the yummy sprinkled topping on the whipped cream topping is made up of!  It's simply some Demerara sugar (crystalized brown sugar) and sea salt mixed together (I just do equal parts).  So I tried making it at home!  I just use the Nesquick chocolate powder when I'm in a hurry, but you can go the whole cocoa powder route if you like.  I just add it to warm milk to make the hot chocolate, put it in a pretty glass, spray on some real whipped cream (note I said real whipped cream, I can't stand that oil based 'topping' can use the spray whip from the can as long as it's the real whip cream)....then I just sprinkle on some of the salty/sugar topping and drizzle with some caramel sauce...I just use the type you buy to put on ice-cream.  It's sooooo yummy!  The salt in the topping really brings out the chocolate and caramel flavours! 
For my page above, I wrote my little recipe on a tag and stitched a little pocket into the background paper to hold the recipe tag... 

Here are a couple more close-ups of the page I made up for this.  I used the Bo Bunny blooms to decorate my layout but to give a more 'frosty' effect to the page I used some Tim Holtz Glossy Accents on the blooms and dunked them in some Diamond Dust (I got a jar of the stuff at Michaels)...

Photobucket Photobucket
Patterned Paper: Powder Mountain (Lodge), Snow Day (Trees, Flurries, Cards, Sunshine)
Cardstock: Double Dot (Island Mist)
Combo Stickers: Snow Day
Layered Chipboard: Powder Mountain, Snow Day
12x12 Chipboard: Powder Mountain
Brads: Snow Day
Flowers: Dahlia (Natural Earth), Daisies (Denim), Zinnea (Natural Earth)
So, what is your favourite winter drink of comfort food?  I'd love to hear! 


  1. Dejligt LO, og min ynglings drik er stærk sort kaffe uden sukker og fløde. knus morkaren.

  2. The page turned out amazing!! I love hot coca!! Though it never looks as pretty as this :-)

  3. Stunning layout... so beautiful..

  4. I love the idea of scrapping your favourite things in life and your layout is AMAZING, I love the lacing in front of the recipe card, the stitching and the diamond dust, they all add such beautiful dimension.

  5. Es precioso, me encantan las colecciones que has usado de papeles, el combinado azul-marrón, me gusta mucho. Los detalles que llevan las flores son preciosos. Un conjunto muy logrado. Besos.

  6. Gosh, you're doing such amazing work with this collection! It is a truly amazing winter lay-out! I love your beautiful bubble wrap stamping.

  7. I'm always ooohing and ahhhing at your layouts. I love how you "dress up" the wood plank paper. The flowers are gorgeous. I've never had this particular hot chocolate from Starbucks--looks delicious!

  8. Love this layout Gabrielle. Hot chocolate is my favourite too but I've never had the Starbucks version, sounds delicious. I'll have to try out your recipe. Thank you! xoxo Marg

  9. That's so pretty and it is a comforting page!

  10. OMG Amazing I have some pics of my favorite drink that I thought would make a great layout about me but I chickened out cause I thought it was a cheesy idea but if the queen has done it WELLL then it's time to get some pics printed lol Fabulous layout TFS and given me that boost lol

  11. OOO Yum! Beautiful layout, love these colors together, and I do love a hot chocolate in winter too!!

  12. Hi this page is adorable. I love the grandparents idea. In our house its Mochas all the way. Half chocolate and half coffee with real cream, MMMmmmmm yummmmm! Have a great day. BFN

  13. Stunning! I love the colours and they just conjour up winter and hot chocolate.

  14. I just saw this page on the Bo Bunny blog and had to come check it out! Gorgeous details....and thanks for sharing your warm drink recipe :) YUM.

  15. Gabi, you make hot chocolate so pretty!!! Love your Gorgeous design and amazing elements. Yummmm. Your so right that we should scrap "trends" or things about ourselves for future generations. Wonder what our grand children will say about us? I'm a lover of the Caramel Mocha too..have you tried the toffee nut syrup? My buddy at Starbucks told me that's his secret to a great mocha!!!

  16. Gorgeous lo - I'm hungry/thirsty now :)

  17. Just love this layout. Looks comforting. thanks as always for sharing.

  18. You make hot chocolate on a photo look soooo delicious, yummy... The LO is just amazing. I love the lacing up on the paper, what a fab detail :)

  19. mmm I love those too and the salty carmel Mochas (that have the espresso in it) Starbucks is my addiction lol. I love this page you did it just screams cozy winter time and that's the best part of winter for me :) Thanks for the recipe tip too!!

  20. Ohhh,...I want to scrap lift this page...but mine will be the reverse...about my grandsons favourite drink and outing. Last year I started walking my grandaughter to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Little My P and I then walk another couple of blocks for a visit to Starbucks. He always orders Hot Chocolate and lets them add the whipping cream and chocolate drizzle.(The staff talked him into it. Such a surprise as he is a very plain eater. He then always orders the banana bread. You can count on this!!!

    When i get it done, I will link it to your post as my inspiration. Mine won't be as fabulous as yours but i will try to incorporate some of your elements!
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. Beautiful layout!!!! Love all the the lacing. So pretty! My fave winter drink is either egg nog or hot chocolate!
