The Zva Creative crystal flourishes included in this kit are some of my favourite from the new designs released at this past CHA, a lovely design and so easy to work with!!!.....and included in this kit is a full tin of Prima hydrangia blooms (over 100 flowers!!)....I used loads of them on my 3 layouts and my tin still looks full!!.....

This layout is about my newest obsessions.......I saw this girl on TV ~Whitney, from The City~ wearing this cute crocheted headband and decided I would teach myself to make some (lol! you'll see these headbands on me and both my girls in this months l/o's!).....so among my obsessions I have crocheting, reading, and dark chocolate with sea salt (it's good! try it!)....

Here are some close up photo's.....everything in this l/o is in the kit, except for the butterfly image that I simply printed out with my colour printer, cut out and stuck to the page. The green 'leave's' are a die cut in the kit that I added some green Stickles to. The flower centers and the white 'pearl' dots are simply some pearl dimensional paint. I used the Fiskar's 'Threading Water' punch to get nice even holes for my corset stitching. A number of people have asked me what punch I used for the 'lace' edging....it's a Martha Stewart punch I got from Michaels.....here are some close-ups......

And here is a 3rd l/o I made for this kit, I used lots of punches to make up this l/o of Meagan feeding the ducks at the cottage (if you look closely, you can see the bread flying through the air LOL!)....seriously, don't you just LOVE the papers in this kit??......

I used the beautiful new Prima butterfly on this l/o. To get that light 'blush' pink tint to the butterfly I used a Colorbox chalk ink in a deep rose, lightly dabbed on the wing edges behind the transparent butterfly wings. They are so pretty IRL but hard to photograph, here are some close-ups....

Another exciting kit being offered this month at My Creative Scrapbook is the Creative kit, again, beautiful papers, lovely blooms and so much more in this kit! Here is a photo I think is so cute of one of my handsome nephews and his beautiful wife (they are the same couple in the wedding 'Love' l/o I did last month......

The papers in this kit are so rich and pretty as are the blooms! Here is a second l/o I made with the Creative kit......

There's a really cute MM Journal/Notes package in this kit, I used one of the sheets as a bracket mat behind the photo. I also added some brown polka dots to the little green blooms to add some punch to them (there is a full bottle of sweet Prima blooms in this kit!!) Here are some close-ups!....

I again used a Martha Stewart punch on the edges of this one. I just LOVE the pretty, shimmery Thickers alpha's included in this kit!! I also created a textural border using gold dimensional paint and green Stickles again for this l/o.........here are some close-ups....

And finally! last but NOT least!!! My Creative Scrapbook is offering the most gorgeous drool-worthy kit I've ever had the priviledge of working with! Pam went to the Winter CHA show and came back with orders for the most beautiful Prima goodies I've seen!!! The newsest line of Prima papers, a gorgeous pack of just newly released Prima blooms (plus a huge handful of a variety of extra Prima blooms).....a lovely Prima's transparent Paintable's sheet, and the show stopper!~~~ A lovely sheet of Stitched Mulberry paper!!! You have to see and feel this product to believe it! It has such a lovely texture and it actually already has real stitching on it!! here is a l/o I made with this kit! (and yes, lol!, here is Meagan's crocheted hairband that I made her in a rose/pink!...hmmm, I did mention it's become an obsession right?).....

Here are some close-ups of this layout.....I tried to get a close photo of the stitched paper for you....

And here is a second l/o I made this this lovely kit!! A photo of Meagan and her cute question about her giant pink 'diamond' ring ...'does this look like it's real Mommy?'....Lol!!! maybe if it was on Paris Hilton!!....

Here are some close up photo's, check out the cute brand new Prima 'pearl' flourishes (also included in this kit!!...told ya there were loads of awesome Prima goodies in this one!!)....

Okay! So if you made it this far into my blog I know that you're probably itching to get your hands on these goodies (I did post the enabler warning right? ROFL!!!).....here is a link to My Creative Scrapbook http://www.mycreativescrapbook.com/ ......check out the Design Team gallery, if you liked what you saw here wait till you see the rest of the girl's creations!! Thanks for taking the time to check out my latest work!