I used the gorgeous papers from Webster's Pages and I just wanted to give this handmade flower design a go on this page. So here are the steps in making this cute bloom out of cardstock, just in time for Spring!
1. First off you'll want to choose 2 complimentary colours of cardstock. I used a soft yellow and a whisper of green cardstock. (Plus a small scrap of brown and light blue for the flower centers). You'll want to tear a rough circle the size you'd like your flower to be out of one of the colours of cardstock. Then draw 5 lines almost to the center (they do not have to be even, the more uneven the more natural they look) This will define your petals. Tear along your pencil lines.

2. Step 2 is optional. You can ink all your edges with some soft brown chalk ink. I find brown chalk ink works well on pretty much every colour but you can experiment with other chalk ink colours....or use none at all, the effect without it is lovely too!

3. Next you'll want to take a toothpick or wooden skewer (I used an embossing tool I had handy, but a skewer works just as well) and curl up all the edges of the blooms.

4. Next you'll tear a slightly smaller circle from your other color piece of cardstock and repeat the above steps. Then layer the smaller piece inside the larger and glue together.

5. Now here is the part that gives your bloom an cute homespun appeal. Take a length of thin cording preferably in a dark colour and tie a simple knot in one end. Trim off excess. Now tie another knot about an inch and a half in from the last one (slightly wider than your smallest flower). Trim. Make 4 of these. Glue them to the center of your flower with some hot glue. Making an X with the first two and then another X criss-crossing over the first ones....

6. To create a rounded looking center for your bloom, punch our hand-cut out a small circle out of cardstock (I used light blue) and punch or hand-cut a slightly smaller flower shape from a dark colour cardstock. To give them a rounded look, place each piece in the palm of your hand then press the rubber end of a pencil into it (for the smaller flower)....for the slightly larger blue circle I pushed the rounded end of my scissor into my palm and twisted till I get the desired cup shape (see photo's below)
7. Glue the brown flower on top of the blue circle. Final step....place an adhesive foam dot in the center of your bloom and attach the rounded flower center your made.

Viola! you are done.....here is a close-up photo of the blooms on my page (see top photo for the full page design).....
If you like this flower design and create a l/o using them please do take a moment to leave me a comment with a link to your project! I love to see what other's create using the tutorials I post!
The photo is of my newest baby niece Kiera at only 14 days old!! My nephew sent me these wonderful professional photos taken by this amazing local photographer. Here is her link in case you're looking for a great maternity/baby photographer!
Stepanie Robin Photography & Design Thanks!