This months Main kit from MCS was just packed with punchy, colorful papers and just the cutest emebellishments!! Although there is quite a variety in colors in the featured paper collection this month, what really caught my eye was the yellows and black! So I designed a layout that featured just these colours. The photo is of my little great-niece Jade (who you often see in my layouts) and her sweet mom Danielle. There are these awesome transparent doily's in the kit that really pack a punch on a page! I mixed them with a little bit of inking on the paper with some yellow chalk ink and for the title I hand stitched it with some black DMC thread.
TIP: If you are confident with your handwriting, just pencil out the titlework and get stitching. If you are a little more timid about your handwriting try using a word stamp as I did here and use it as a guide for your stitching.
A second layout I made with this kit is another pic of my little niece Jade. When I saw the intricate design on the black paper in the kit I thought it was a great match to the top she is wearing.......
The blooms in this kit are so pretty!! You have to see them IRL! shimmery and rich in color! I simply cut some of the white paper blooms from one of the patterned papers as 'extra' blooms to cluster with the pinkish/red blooms......
Another kit I had a blast working with this month is the Limited Edition Kit! This one featured the Gorgeous new collection by Webster's Pages called Spring Market! It made me just long for spring scrapping with the goodies in this kit! For my first l/o I scrapped a photo of Chloe doing some gardening a couple of years back. She's always been one of those 'happy to get her hands dirty' kinda girl.....
I just love the cute botanical designs in this collection!! The paper with the seed packets is one of my favourites for embellishing with. And those cute gingham blooms, they just add the sweetest touch to a page....
A second l/o I made with this page I went with the cheery yellow and reds in this collection. I got this really cute photo of my niece Jade.....although it has it's blurry parts (moving hands)...I thought the photo of her face was so expressive and cute! And I thought the title fit the fact that so is such an active little girl.....
I'm just crazy about those Princess Petals by Websters Pages....layers and layers of sheer frabric, the effect is so beautiful IRL! FOr this l/o al I added was a little tulip bouquet and some fussy cut blooms cut from the patterened paper.....
Another layout I made with this kit is one of my Meagan when she was just a little toddler. I have to laugh, because whenever she see's photos of herself as a baby she asks me who the little boy is! She had ridiculously long hair from early on so she's always surpised to see herself with short hair as a baby.....
I did a bit of hand stitching on this page....I simply followed the outline on the patterend paper for the outer edge design.
TIP: I often split up my crystal flourish to use on different layouts. I used half the crystal flourish on the 'Live Out Loud' page. So for this page I first layed the flourish still attached to the plastic backing on my layout and used a pin to follow the outline of the missing piece of crystal flourish, poking through the plastic into the paper beneath. I then followed this poked holes to make my stitched flourish....I then completed the florish by tinting the left over crystal flourishes with a red Sharpie (you can use Copic markers for this too) and attached it just above my stitched flourish (see this months 'How did they do that?' thread at the MCS forums for a more details set of instructions....this tip thread is posted around th 10th of the month).....

And finally one other kit I just dabbled with a little this month is the Album kit. This kit has such soft pretty and subltle colours of blues/greens/browns. I scrapped a photo of my niece (brothers daughter) when she was a baby, looking through a fence at her sister riding her horse.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! For more inspiration with these kits be sure to check out the Design Team Gallery at MCS to see the beautiful work of my fellow Designers.....they really did an amazing job with this months kits! ~~>
Design Team GalleryI'm often asked to list all the ingredients on my pages. I use only the goodies supplied in the kits (with perhaps the addition of some carstock and ink) I don't bother listing all the products in the kits as you can find them listed if you go to the My Creative Scrapbook homepage, click on the photo of the kit and a list will pop up with all the items in the kit with the name of each of the manufacturers.
~Gabrielle xx